9/10/2011, Conscious Media Network. This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at http://www.cmn.tv. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11″.
(Images in the video.)
9/9/11, 6:00 pm, The Veritas Show: The New Investigation. Mel Fabregas hosts Dr. Wood as a guest, with excerpts of Jesse Ventura commenting about her book.
11/9-11/2012 Breakthrough Energy Conference, weekend of 9-11 November 2012, Holland
Dr. Wood is giving a presentation at the Breakthrough Energy Conference in Holland, focusing on what 9/11 means for us in a positive way. Over 20 speakers at the conference will address not only the technical side of Breakthrough Energy technologies but also the implications.
9/11/2012, Interview: Dr. Judy Wood is a guest of Regina Meredith on the Open Minds. Join us on Tuesday, September 11th at 7pm ET for a discussion between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith about the 911 conspiracy, the Hutchison Effect, and Directed Energy Weapons.
10/24/2011, Recorded at New Horizons, St Annes, UK,
The slides were inserted into the video by Andrew Johnson to make for the clearest presentation.
Thank you Andrew! Andrew Johnson’s site: checktheevidence.com
Unfortunately there were no microphones so the audio levels are quite low.
The person who uploaded this video gave the following description: [Test that Lecture video will upload – this talk by Andrew John and Judy wood on 911. This Video is in wrong display format and did not complete building. But as the last video would not be processed by You Tube are uploading to test that we can upload the edited video’s ;)]
9/10/2011, Conscious Media Network. This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at http://www.cmn.tv. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11”. YouTube Link
(Sharing of this specific video is encouraged but please do not upload other CMN videos)
9/9/11, 6:00 pm, The Veritas Show: The New Investigation. Mel Fabregas hosts Dr. Wood as a guest, with excerpts of Jesse Ventura commenting about her book.
8/14/2011, Cosmic Gnostic Radio,
For this show we have Dr. Judy Wood. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11”. audio
Most Comprehensive Presentation:
10/24/2011, Recorded at New Horizons, St Annes, UK,
(Images inserted into the presentation for clarity.)
Most Recommended Interviews: (in reverse chronological order)
10/25/11, One Step Beyond with Theo Chalmers.
(Images in the video.)
11/11/11, Richplanet.net TV, Richard Hall hosts Dr. Wood, episode-1
(Images in the video)
9/10/2011, Conscious Media Network. This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at http://www.cmn.tv. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11″.
(Images in the video.)
9/9/11, 6:00 pm, The Veritas Show: The New Investigation. Mel Fabregas hosts Dr. Wood as a guest, with excerpts of Jesse Ventura commenting about her book.
(This post is dated to remain at the top.)
11/9-11/2012 Breakthrough Energy Conference, weekend of 9-11 November 2012, Holland

Dr. Wood is giving a presentation at the Breakthrough Energy Conference in Holland, focusing on what 9/11 means for us in a positive way. Over 20 speakers at the conference will address not only the technical side of Breakthrough Energy technologies but also the implications.
Tickets are for sale now at http://www.globalbem.com .
This will not be your ordinary “free energy” conference so check it out! PDF-flier1, PDF-flier2
9/11/2012, Interview: Dr. Judy Wood is a guest of Regina Meredith on the Open Minds. Join us on Tuesday, September 11th at 7pm ET for a discussion between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith about the 911 conspiracy, the Hutchison Effect, and Directed Energy Weapons.
8/5/2012, Ralph K. Winterrowd Show, with Andrew Johnson 6:00 pm
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NT3tc-bl5gc
11/18/11, Richplanet.net TV, Richard Hall hosts Dr. Wood, episode-2
. . . . . . . . . . Link1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Link2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Link3
11/11/11, Richplanet.net TV, Richard Hall hosts Dr. Wood, episode-1
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udDkMP4MF6A
10/29/11, Brighton, U.K., 7:00 pm
Link: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL981AE789F8F65D4A
10/25/11, One Step Beyond with Theo Chalmers.
Alternate link (YouTube)
10/24/2011, Recorded at New Horizons, St Annes, UK,
The slides were inserted into the video by Andrew Johnson to make for the clearest presentation.
Thank you Andrew! Andrew Johnson’s site: checktheevidence.com
Part 1 (of 2):
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufWggCESyDg
Part 2 (of 2):
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4XDN9sY3GI
10/18/2011, Recorded at TruthJuice, Birmingham, UK,
An excellent article about this event is posted on The Truth Seeker’s Guide.
Unfortunately there were no microphones so the audio levels are quite low.
The person who uploaded this video gave the following description: [Test that Lecture video will upload – this talk by Andrew John and Judy wood on 911. This Video is in wrong display format and did not complete building. But as the last video would not be processed by You Tube are uploading to test that we can upload the edited video’s ;)]
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EsG5z3epQY
9/10/2011, Conscious Media Network. This is a video and picture enhanced radio show interview between Dr. Judy Wood and Regina Meredith on Conscious Media Network at http://www.cmn.tv. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11”. YouTube Link
(Sharing of this specific video is encouraged but please do not upload other CMN videos)
9/9/11, 6:00 pm, The Veritas Show: The New Investigation. Mel Fabregas hosts Dr. Wood as a guest, with excerpts of Jesse Ventura commenting about her book.
Subscribe to Veritas Radio:
8/30/2011, A Challange To The Crop Circle Wizards – A Presentation by John Lamb Lash – 9/11 truth,
Cosmic Gnostic, audio,
8/28/2011, The Ralph Winterrowd Show, Republic Broadcasting Network, Listen Live
Ralph Winterrowd, Matthew Naus, Andrew Johnson, audio
08/24/2011 8:00-9:00 PM (EDT) , Dr. Wood will be on The Peter Mac Show, The Micro Effect,
Listen Live
08/23/2011 11:00 AM -1:00 PM, Dr. Wood will be on The Unsolicited Opinion w/ Maggie Roddin, RBN,
Listen Live
08/17/2011 11:00 AM -1:00 PM, Dr. Wood will be on Tim Gatto’s Show
8/14/2011, The Ralph Winterrowd Show, Republic Broadcasting Network, Listen Live
Ralph Winterrowd, Dr. Judy Wood, Andrew Johnson, audio
8/14/2011, Cosmic Gnostic Radio,
For this show we have Dr. Judy Wood. We discuss 9/11 and the evidence she presents in her book “Where Did the Towers Go? The Evidence of Directed Free-Energy Technology on 9/11”. audio
8/4/11, Crimson Pill